Author: Ni11


Joined In Sep 2021

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Ni11 1 Reviews
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I am Pamela Allen. I want to express my gratitude to Attorney Todd Miner and staff for making the decision to take my case, and got me the results that I am ecstatic about my case-outcome. Initially, over 1 1/2 years, I had another lawyer who put my case on the back burner because of my refusal to settle my case for pennies. Unfortunately, that law firm could not get the job done. Then, I saw Attorney Miners’ TV commercial and didn’t hesitate to make the call. I knew that I had a chance at winning and fortunately for myself, winning proved to be true with The Todd Miner Law Firm. Attorney Miner and staff are the real deal in doing exactly as he says in his television commercials. Yes, he made the insurance company pay me every dime to the fullest extent of the policy. My tears turned to joy. Switching Law Firms made all the difference!! Attorney Miner and staff, Trillion of Thanks to all!! Thank you for your professionalism, your expertise, and prowess, you resurrected what seemed at the time to be a dead-in-the-water case. My case not only saw the light of day, but was won. You are “the truth”, an impeccable and gifted-experienced lawyer who “knows how to” use your expertise and “get the job done”. Thank you to the utmost a billion strains more!! Pamela Allen

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